You might be experiencing something similar to this: You have set the msExchHideFromAddressList to either TRUE or FALSE using the attributes on the User Object in your on-prem Active Directory. You have also waited up to half an hour for Azure AD Connect to synchronize the setting to Azure AD. But when you log on to the Office365 administration portal, …
How to run Login or Startup scripts within Azure RemoteApp Virtual Machine Template Images
A client wanted to test an inhouse developed application in Azure Remote App. The application required a mapped drive to an Azure File Share. Unless one would want users to manually map a network drive, or for that matter publish a script (or an executable) that would map the Azure File Share it would require a script, preferably a logon-script, …
NemID (Nets DanID), csp.exe, Windows 8 sikkerhedskomponent
Unless you can actually read Danish, skip this one 🙂 NÃ¥r du bestiller en digital signatur, eller fÃ¥r én udstedt af din arbejdsgiver, modtager du vejledningsmail fra Nets. I den mail stÃ¥r der, lettere omskrevet, at du kan fordrive ventetiden ved installere Nets DanIDs CSP – og det er mere sandt end det stÃ¥r skrevet! Se, hvis du har Windows 8 og …
ADFS 3.0, Event ID 364 with “MSIS5000: Authentication of the device certificate failed” after enabling Workplace Join
First thing’s first… We have deployed an ADFS 3.0 server farm, DirSync, and Web Application Proxies to enable federation with Office365 and Windows Azure. Everything was working and users were able to logon to the cloud services. Then I decided to enable Workplace Join – from the ADFS perspective; Device Authentication. The configuration process went well, no unexplained errors – …
Mount-SPContentDatabase error during MOSS2007 to SP2010 upgrade
Found a missing feature 56dd7fe7-a155-4283-b5e6-6147560601ee. But it will be deprecated during upgrade.
Found a missing feature 8156ee99-ddfb-47bb-8835-7ae42d40d9b9. But it will be deprecated during upgrade.
Found a missing feature 90cd055f-f21f-42c5-b3fe-bb67173583d4. But it will be deprecated during upgrade.
File [Features\ExcelServerSite\Microsoft.Office.Excel.WebUI.dwp] is referenced [1] times in the database [Database name], but is not installed on the current farm. Please install any feature/solution which contains this file.
One or more setup files are referenced in the database [Database name], but are not installed on the current farm. Please install any feature or solution which contains these files.
ERROR – Failed to run V2VFeatureActivation2UpgradeSiteAction.Upgrade for SPWeb (web app url) in SPSite (site url , the following error occured: Attempted to perform an unauthorized operation. at: at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSecurableObject.CheckPermissions(SPBasePermissions permissionMask)
at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSecurity.ValidateSecurityOnOperation(SPOperationCode code, SPSecurableObject obj)
Exception: Access is denied. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED))
Inner Exception: Access is denied. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED))
Upgrade session failed. 36 errors and 2 warnings encountered.
32-bit ODBC System DSN on 64-bit Windows using Group Policy Client Preferences
I searched around and found two different approaches to creating 32-bit System DSN’s on a 64-bit box. One was using powershell to load registry keys, the other used GPO Client Side Preferences to define User DSN’s which creates the 64-bit DSN and a 32-bit equivalent.
The thing is, I actually prefer using GPO’s for settings instead of scripting them. Also, I want to be able to update DSN’s without having users logging off and back on…..
SharePoint Open in Explorer is slow to connect
I have been running SharePoint on Office365 now for a few days, and when opening a document library using Explorer it is very slow to connect. The way to overcome this, is….
SharePoint Open in Explorer is very slow
This is one way of improving poor or slow perfomance when opening SharePoint libraries using Open in Explorer.
SharePoint 2010 Categories unavailable on a Wiki page
In a SharePoint 2010 Enterprise Wiki I was unable to select any Categories; the Categories field was greyed out and the Browse button just didn’t work.
Opening the Library Settings, and selecting the Wiki Categories column I was presented with the error message: “The required feature is not enabled for this column type”.
(SP2010) Seemingly wrong permissions for the Farm Administrators in Central Administration
SharePoint 2010 Farm Administrators can not delete Web Applications, Service Applications, Service Application Proxies, or access the Configuration Wizard. Here’s what to do….